Whereas the rates of mental health disorders remain fairly consistent across the US, rural communities face unique challenges when it comes to identification and treatment of mental health issues.
- More than 60% of rural Americans live in areas where there is a mental health shortage
- More than 90% of all psychologists and psychiatrists, and 80% of MSWs, work exclusively in metropolitan areas
- More than 65% of rural Americans get their mental health care from their primary care provider
- The mental health crisis responder for most rural Americans is a law enforcement officer who likely lacks adequate training
How is Rural Mental Healthcare Unique
- Accessibility: people living in rural areas often must travel long distances to be able to meet with mental health specialists and mental health benefits may not be covered by insurers; insurance (rather than clincian) often dictates what services subscribers can access
- Availability: many rural townships/communities rely on primary care providers to identify and treat mental health conditions due to the lack of specialists/resources close to them; though better than nothing, primary care providers lack the training and expertise to manage disorders well
- Acceptibility: in small communities, people often lack an understanding of even basic mental health issues, and those who demonstrate signs of mental illness and/or seek out help face stigma and rejection
Ways that Rural Communities are Seeking to Overcome
- Prevention: raising awareness and bringing information/services to where unidentified sufferers are
- Telehealth: technology allows increased access to services and providers
- Integration in to primary care: more often, specialists are co-locating and even collaborating services to create a "medical home"